Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Where Does the Time Go?

I often find myself wondering where in the world the time goes. I cannot believe that Shelby will be 8 months old March 4th. It seems like yesterday we were at the hospital with her. That was the best day of my life.....and it just keeps continuing with everyday. Shelby amazes us more and more everyday. She is definitely the light of my life.

On another note, I cannot come to terms with the fact that I will be 30 in a few short days. I think of all that I have done in my soon to be 30 years and I am so thankful for all that I have. A lot has gone on in my life, some wonderful things and some not so good. But hey, we learn from things and just "go on". I have the best friends and family anyone could ask for.
I am really looking forward to my birthday party. It should definitely make turning 30 a piece of cake. I plan on celebrating to the fullest. Oh, did I forget to mention that it is Mike's birthday party too, he will be turning 40 at the end of March. On a positive note, he will always be older than I am hehehe!

I will be sure to post pics later of our "Big Bash"!