Friday, November 13, 2009


Okay, so I am new at this blogging thing but I wanted to start one for our family.

Shelby is now four months old and is the light of our lives. I cannot imagine life without her and an absolutely amazed at her daily.

A little bit about our journey thus all started in November of 2008! After trying to figure out why I was late I finally decided to take a pregnancy test. Good News! We were expecting.

Things were going well for the first five months or so and we were just tickled. Then somewhere about May my blood pressure deciede it wanted to go up. After several weeks of keeping a close check on it and it getting no better the doc decided to take me out of work to see if that would make it better. No suck luck...the next step was making weekly appearances at the dr office for blood pressure checks and non-stress tests to make sure baby was doing good. She was always doing as needed it was just mom that didn't want to cooperate.
By the middle of June I was making frequent trips to Women's Hospital for blood pressure checks and monitoring. By the end of June I was making daily trips for monitoring so they really got to know me there. All of the staff there were really nice, I might add. Mom was getting rather aggrivated at that point because I knew the outcome of every trip. Baby was doing excellent every time which I was so thankful for and the problem was mom. On July 3rd we had been at Women's almost all day and they decided to let me go home with the understanding that if my blood pressue got up above 160's over 100 to come back the next day.
Well low in behold it was up the next day and guess what it was July 4th. I decided to pack a bag just in case. Well we were sitting there waiting on the dr to come in and Mike said wouldn't it be something to have our baby was right.

At 7:00 Dr. Grewal came in and said "well it looks like you are going to have a baby tonight" I was in shock. I had all of about 30 minutes to gather myself make a few phone calls and it was time for my C-SECTION! I was not looking forward to that, I was pettrified to say the least. My mom made it there just in time to calm me down and tell me that it would all be alright and the nurse was in to start the IV.

They wheeled me down to surgery and we were off. I have never been more scared in my life. I think I was at the point of almost freaking out in the process of all that had been going on in the previous weeks and the anticipation of the baby. I was very excited to finally get to meet my precious baby. That was the most wonderful day of my life.

Drumroll please..........................

At 8:15 p.m. out came Shelby Elizabeth Jumpe!
5 lb 1 oz 17 3/4 inches long and just perfect.

I got a good look at that precious little miracle and just started crying. Well so did she and that was just the beginning..........

1 comment:

  1. I didn't get to be at the hospital with Amy when Shelby was born, but ALL of our friends were at a cookout and we celebrated the arrival of Shelby. Amy and I have gotten to share the first time mom experience together and that is so special to me. And being a mom is indeed the most wonderful thing I have ever experienced! I'm glad you started this blog Amy. It may inspire me to do the same!
